Thursday, December 12, 2019


Peaks and Valleys is an influential book and some of the principles are still relevant today.
The Key message from the book are:

1. Acknowledge reality and make it your friend: Whether you are up at the Peak or down in the valley, try and make a conscious effort by asking yourself, what is the truth in this situation?

2. Turn the bad situation into a good one: No matter the situation at the valley, try and turn the situation around by finding the good and positive side of things. Uncover the good hidden in a bad time

3. Appreciate the good times and manage it wisely: Be humble and grateful and live life free and happy, do more for others. 

4. Follow your sensible vision: Imagine yourself enjoying a better life

5. Share the joy with others: Let others into your world by making them make meaning out of the good and bad times in their lives.

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